Meet the grower, James Corcoran
Our Story
Every year at Hemlock Grove Nursery we propagate over 3000 native plants from seed. We grow sugar maple, tulip tree, cucumber magnolia, pawpaw and as the name suggests, thousands of hemlock trees.
We support and promote the use of hemlocks in landscape restoration for many of the same good reasons that people choose hemlocks for their landscape projects. Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is one of the most gorgeous, and ecologically fascinating of Ontario’s native coniferous trees.
Once prominent in pre-crosscut saw, pre-chain saw Ontario, hemlocks, a climax forest species, have been all but removed from most woodlands and urban landscapes in Ontario. They are the only conifer that can thrive in shade or sun making them an excellent choice for privacy screens in many residential settings and for restoring woodlands.
Hemlocks add year-round wonder to the landscape in the form of soft, lacy, deep-green and emerald foliage and a gentle weeping form. Customers experience excellent survival and growth with our trees which are all container-grown and therefore do not suffer any of the transplant shock often seen with field-dug trees.
The grower, Jim Corcoran, is a Registered Professional Forester with four decades of experience in nursery production and ecological restoration.
“The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.”
— Robert Frost